Aprna D Prabhu*, Abhishek Bankar, Rameshwar Masawadkar, Vikrant Hulsure, Youvel Dagade, Siddhi Khese, Padma Panchal, Tanuja Satav
- appunaik4u@gmail.com
Vasectomy, Knowledge Score, Demographic Variables.
The present study with the title “A study to assess knowledge and attitude of males regarding vasectomy residing in
selected areas of Pune with the objective which include To assess the knowledge of males regarding vasectomy and to find
out the association between knowledge of males regarding vasectomy with selected demographic variables. To assess the
attitude of males regarding vasectomy. To find out association between attitude regarding vasectomy with selected
demographic variables. A single group was chosen for research study. The data was collected from the 100 males between
the age group of 30 to 50 years residing in selected areas of Pune city. Tool used by the researchers consisted of three
? SECTION I: Demographic variables.
? SECTION II: Knowledge based questioner regarding vasectomy.
? SECTION III: Attitude based modified Likert’s scale.
Tool was validated by 11 different experts. A pilot study was done to assess the validity, reliability and feasibility of the
tool.The dependent variables were knowledge and attitude of males regarding vasectomy. The final study was conducted in
selected areas of Pune city. Major findings of the study: Findings of section I: Section I consists of demographic data which
includes age, education, occupation, type of family, family income, number of children and source of
information.Majority of males (61%) belongs to 30 to 35 years of age group. 33% of males were graduated where as 38%
are doing business and 48% are from joint family. Data further shows that 42% of males were having 20,000? to 50,000? of
income monthly, 64% of them were having two children and 36% of them got the information about vasectomy from mass
media. Findings of section II: Section II consists of knowledge scores of males regarding vasectomy. The findings shows
that majority 51% of males were having average knowledge about vasectomy, 9% of males were having good knowledge
about vasectomy and 40% of males were having poor knowledge about vasectomy. Hence it can be interpreted that most
of the males had average knowledge about vasectomy. Findings of section III: Section III consists of attitude scores of
males regarding vasectomy. The finding shows that majority 84% of males were having neutral attitude towards vasectomy,
4% males were having negative attitude and 12% of males were having positive attitude towards vasectomy. Hence it can
be interpreted that most of the males had neutral attitude towards vasectomy. Conclusion ; Most of the males had an
average knowledge about vasectomy.Most of the males had neutral attitude towards vasectomy. There significant
association between education and occupation with the level of knowledge score. There is no significant association
between age, family type, family income, number of children and source of information about vasectomy with the level of
knowledge score. There is no significant association between all the demographic variables and level of attitude score.