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 Mcmed International ®: Largest Journal Publication in world

Acta Biomedica Scientia

Volume 11, Issue 2, 2024
Mcmed International
Acta Biomedica Scientia
2348 - 215X (Print), 2348 - 2168 (Online)
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K.Sharmila and Shalini S
Hypertension, Pregnancy Induced Hypertension, Healthcare personnel
Aim and objective: The main aim of the study is to estimate the frequency of pregnancy induced hypertension and to evaluate the management of PIH. To understand the etiology and prevalence of pregnancy induced hypertension. To estimate the risk rate of pregnancy induced hypertension in mortality and morbidity of mother or neonate in obstetrics and gynecology. To evaluate the management and preventive measures to be taken for PIH, thereby, help the poor and illiterates on this aspect. Method and materials: The study is designed as a cross sectional stud, which means the study is to be carried out in live observation of patient population but not by indirectly collecting the data from already read out case sheet collection. The study was planned to carry out in and around Chittoor district in multiple hospitals included both private and government sector. The study was carried out for a period of 7 months in the academic year of 2017-2018. Inclusion criteria: Women between the age group of 16-46 years, primiparous, multiparous, women with known history of PIH. Exclusion criteria: Women diagnosed with presence of dizygotic or monozygotic twins in the womb, women with known history of coronary artery diseases, women with H/O preeclampsia. Method: The study has enrolled about 3000 women during the study period, among which 345 women have been diagnosed to have PIH. Maternal Age, gestational age, number of delivery, type of delivery/deliveries undergone, any serious illness in past medical history, time of occurrence of HELLP along with the lab findings are the maternal variables seen and noted in the study, neonatal death, IUGR, IUFD, Apgar scores of first minute and fifth minute, birth weight are the different neonatal variables collected ad recorded. Study was carried out under the supervision of a well-established gynecologist and a cardiologist. Result: Amongst the 1500 mothers who had delivered in the hospital 389 have been diagnosed to have elevated blood pressure. Among them 350 women were successfully enrolled into the study. About 220 women fell under the age group of 22-30 years, which accounts for 56.5%. Women under the age of 20 years was about 10% and the remaining 33.5% of study population aged about 33.5%.Discussion: About 46 women in whole population, accounting for 12.9% diagnosed with PIH disorder. Among 46 women 8% of women had chronic hypertension. About 175 women had gestational hypertension accounting for about 50% of study population. Preeclampsia-eclampsia was observed I 35 women i.e, 10% of women. Preeclampsia superimposed on chronic hypertension was noted in 51 women i.e., about 14.5% of study population. Conclusion: From the study, it can be concluded that majority of women irrespective of origin had enough knowledge about pregnancy induced hypertension. But, not all had the knowledge of PIH. Methyldopa is the majorly used anti-hypertensive drug in all the tertiary care hospitals were the study was conducted
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